Darin's 26th Birthday

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Darin Hiatt, my husband, is 26 years old today!

I set my alarm for 5 AM on this beautiful Saturday morning. Of course, I didn't wake up until 7 AM. I had to wake up early so I could study for an exam that I had to take today. I took the test at 10 AM and then went over to Smith's Grocery Store. I had to pick up a few last minute things at the grocery store to put Darin's gift together. I bought this oversized gift bag, some tissue paper, and a birthday card. Also I know how much he loves twice baked potatoes especially on his birthday so I cheated the system and bought a refrigerated one at the store.

For his gift I got him two tennis racquets (explains the terrible tissue paper job) and some tennis balls. We don't play tennis but it is a hobby that we have been wanting to pick up so I finally got around to getting him the stuff! I also bought him a football to play catch with this summer so we don't have to use our nerf football anymore. He also got some new athletic shorts because he literally wears the same ones to lounge around in, wear at his football games, and his basketball games!

Earlier this week I invited a group of our friends to go out to dinner for Darin's birthday. Darin had no idea that I invited anyone. He thought it was just going to be us and one other couple at California Pizza Kitchen to celebrate. They played it off super well. When we got there, Kaitlyn and Benson were at a table for four and behind them was everyone waiting behind their menus at a much larger table. Such great friends we have!

Sorry for all of the terrible glares. The sun was super bright today. Darin blowing out his b-day candle :)

Darin and I tried to take serious pictures before dinner... Darin and serious don't exist together very often.

Example 1

Example 2

I hope Darin had one heck of a birthday! He deserves the best. Thank you so much to all of our friends who helped out! 

Don't forget to participate in the GIVEAWAY you have until the 15th to win a Francescas gift card. 

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