Maternity Photoshoot

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Darin and I were so lucky to have our maternity pictures taken by our dear friend Heather who actually just had a baby of her own last month! He's so adorable and I'm so excited for our sons to play together once they are a little older. She did an awesome job capturing Darin, baby bump, and I so I just wanted to share some of her work on the blog today.

As a quick Bumpdate:

-I am now 37 Weeks Pregnant which means baby is no longer considered premature if he were to come earlier :) WOOHOOO
-Baby is in a posterior position which means he is belly up (not conducive for labor) so I get to see a chiropractor yay!
-Hospital bags are packed and ready to go by the front door

Here are my top 25 pics from our photo shoot:

If you want to see the whole album feel free to visit this link:

Love y'all! And thanks again Heather :) 

1 comment :

  1. You are VERY welcome! I loved taking maternity photos for you and appreciate that you blogged your favorites, too! Only three more weeks and maybe we'll be taking pictures of your little baby!! :-)


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